Category: SNSD
Most Viewed & Best Airport Style: Jessica
POSTED IN Fashion Highlights, Jessica

With her array of outfits that combined both style, simplicity and modesty, Ice Princess Jessica won out amongst Soshified Stylists as the member with 2011’s Best Airport Fashion.

Her trademark throughout many of her outfits was her penchant for wearing skirts, dresses and shorts, as well as her favorite Linda Farrow sunglasses, rather than the standard jeans other members opted for. She typically donned a tunic or oversized shirt/sweater to match, often times revealing her impeccable legs with such outfits. While she did not have many “stand-out” outfits, her overall consistency and ability to look like she stepped out a look-book led to her not only being named the Ice Princess, but also the Airport Princess when it came down to fashion.

Jessica didn’t only win for Best Airport Style but she also won the Most Viewed on our site! With the most fashion magazine spreads out of the members and consistent off-duty style it was evident that Jessica would rake in the most views out of the members this year. Her airport fashion trademark garnered lot of attention from fashion lovers and fans, with many fans eager to see what Jessica would wear next.

Check out Jessica’s posts from this year here!

Runner Up: Tiffany