Mix-style: (Logo-White) Stereo Headphones @ Yesasia.com $49.99
Mix-style: (Logo-White) Stereo Headphones @ Yesasia.com $49.99
Urbanears: Plattan White @ Urbanears.com $60
H&M: Haus of Gaga Tee
As seen in: Vita 500 Ad
Review on the Panasonic AV Room Headphones as seen on Taeyeon
Review on the Wesc Oboe Headphones from the Spring 2010 Collection as seen on Tiffany
Beats by Dr. Dre : Tour (White with ControlTalk) @ Beatsbydre.com $189.95
Thanks to Christine Kim for the tip!
Bang & Olufsen: A8 Earphones (Aluminum/Black) @ Amazon.com $149.99
Urbanears: Plattan Pink @ Urbanears.com $60