The girls really brought their A game today at the Burberry Prorsum Fall 2012 Presentation as South Korean representatives. Seohyun, Yoona and Tiffany were dressed to the nines from head to toe with Burberry Prorsum’s Spring 2012 Ready to Wear collection.

I voted Yoona. It’s simple but the color really pops. Plus it looks good when she’s sitting because of the slit on the dress. I like Tiffany shoes though. I guess it will be Yoona, Tiffany, and Seohyun for me.
One can’t really point who’s the best dressed; each one has a completely different style. Apples to oranges. IMO they all are dressed equally well.
It would’ve been better if the question was reworded as “What is your favorite style?” or “Whose style is more fitting?”
I had a bit of trouble with this. I really love Fany’s hair. I think she was the best. And her dress was fun and playful. but her shoes seemed a bit clunky for the look.
Yoona had I think the best dress, simple, elegant but fun, but I have the same problem with her shoes and her hair was a bit flat.
So I voted Seohyun. I felt that she pulled together the best.
I’ve voted for Yoona 🙂 Not that I’m being biased or what. But really, I love all their clothes and shoes… 🙂
I just chose Yoona because, she pulled it off really well. Those kind of dresses or clothes is like the typical European Clothes, something like conservative look but elegant and glamorous not too modernized clothes… woah so elegant 😛
I love tiffany’s and Seohyun’s too. But, It’s just that, the one tiffany wore were the usual clothes SNSD wears during a red carpet or something 🙂 Right?
Seohyun most especially Yoona showed off a new feel… 🙂
and I love those slits, 🙂 especially when she was sitting! 😉
Same, the slit on that dress made the dress
i voted for yoona too! and i totally agree with what you said. Tiffany looked good to but I don’t think her outfit fit the fashion show, the fashion show was autumn/winter but she wore something that I think looked like it was for summer. Seohyun looked amazing too, if I would rate them yoona would be 1 then seohyun for 2, and tiffany, last.
Tiffany! Her hair compliment everything! ^^
So her hair + the color of her dress = ultimate stand out.
Don’t understand Yoona’s dress, why cover her curves?
Seohyun did a great job mixing different element of fashion, was confused who I have to vote either Seo or Fany, but then Fany really captured my heart.
Should have chose the picture when they were sitting down watching the show, cause yoona’s dress looks amazing
i loved yoonas dress but the shoes uhh :/ So i voted for Seohyun cause that dress looks gorgeous. Fany had such beautiful hair though.
Fany looks the best.. her hair and everything but it isn’t a red carpet of an award show. Everyone’s wearing a trench coat and She’s the only one wearing a mini dress in a very cold winter season. She wore a really nice mini dress but on the wrong season and event. 😉
Yoona’s very pretty as usual and her dress is very springy and it stands out among the crowd of dark hues, but it doesn’t complement her figure. Idk, kinda plain for me I guess? But I liked her dress when they were sitting. Yeah, it’s because of the slit! lol 😛
Seohyun’s style is the most weather and event appropriate. That’s what usually fashion people wear to watch a fashion show during winter. But She still managed to stand out because of the eccentric design of her trench coat. I’d say it’s very eye-catching. Oh, and her boots, I suuuuper adore her boots! 😀
TIFFANY just slayed me. <3
Yoona is just stunning! the dress fits her and the dress is gorgeous when yoona sits! GODDESS YOONA!
I almost voted Tiffany, because she does look amazing, but thought that a mini dress in winter is strange. I voted for Seohyun because her look is more appropriate, and she looks amazing too! Yoona looks very bright, I think her look draws the attention to the girls.
vote for seohyun, her dress match well with the event. tiffany is beautiful i also love her hair style but her dress it just doesn’t match with the event. and for yoona i thing her dress is to big for her, and the colour doesn’t match her skin.
Yoona looks amazing with that color! and I love the style of the dress
Seo Baby
to be honest the images don’t give credit to the dress Seohyun was wearing. I was there and I saw her and she looked O.O AMAZING!!! Yoona’s too, but i don’t really like the dress Tiffany had on, she looked godly as always but the dress itself really isn’t that great
I voted for Tiffany.
And I’m not being biased since she’s not my bias either (it’s Sooyoung.. LOL I guess nobody cares :D)
I loved those pair of shoe Fany was wearing! Looks so nice on her. And yeah the dress was cute. I liked Yoona’s too but.. Seohyun’s dress wasn’t really impressive..
Waah! Fany is so lovely on this! I don’t feel yoona’s dress but she’s pretty. But then, I like Seohyun’s style best though, most appropriate!
Felt that Fany’s look was very valley girl especially when they shortened the style to make her look taller. In the pic, she looks so out of place compared to the 2 girls. Most importantly, when u look across the crowd, despite the dress, she did not stand out. Seohyun looks great but she looked awkward and uncomfortable. Vote went to Yoona, the simple dress that didn’t look any special stood out when she sat down. When the video was showing them, you naturally eyed Yoona.
totally totally agree!!! 🙂 And tiffany should have worn a coat or something.
I love Yoona’s dress. It’s really simple and elegant. She looks so stunning. Tiffany’s knees are weird. hehehe.