Whenever Hyoyeon was spotted with a graphic t-shirt this year, the first thing we would do would be to search Wildfox Couture shirts asap. Our dancing queen’s off stage love of Wildfox Couture begun last year when she was spotted at the airport with a soft serve face jumper and has continued on throughout this year. Hyoyeon became the unofficial brand ambassador for Wildfox with her shirt selections that reflected her own fun, unique style amongst the girls.
Wildfox and Hyoyeon make a perfect pairing for Hyoyeon’s edgy, fun style and we hope to see Hyoyeon in more Wildfox pieces in the new year! You can view all of Hyoyeon and Wildfox’s posts here.
Ahaha my thought exactly<3
Hyoyeon looks cool in it~
wildfox hyoyeon! <3
from a tiger..she evolve into a Wildfox haha 😀
the shirts actually suits her style..and can be called ‘Hyoyeon’s style’ 😀
daebak hyo,Ȋ̝̊ love u
awesome! maybe that’s why Hyoyeon has looks so stylish! she found her brand <3
A perfect match. She just looks effortless in their clothes.
yo I think Wildfox Couture should call up Hyo and have her model their brand. she’s a freaking cool chick. ♥
hyo unnie really loves wildfox couture!! even that math sucks shirt.. xDD
I KNEW this was gonna be highlighted on SSFS one day. Because Hyoyeon truly loves Wildfox keke~ I’m pretty sure Wildfox loves her too. 😀
Honestly, if someone suggested that I wear those clothes, I’d think they were crazy. Only a few shirts she wore would look good on me. BUT she makes those clothes look so good and they compliment her style to effortlessly. Definately a great pair ^-^
YUP!!! HYO looks gorgeous in Wildfox outfits! You are the best, HYO!!!