Wildfox Couture: Royal Wing Hang Over Sweats in Burnout Black @ Shopthetrendboutique.com $149
POSTED IN Hyoyeon, Pants Wildfox, Wildfox Couture
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Wildfox Couture: Royal Wing Hang Over Sweats in Burnout Black @ Shopthetrendboutique.com $149
have you notice the picture on the right? i looks like her pose in The Boys. they have dance practice video already???????
they were practicing but they only released pictures.. 😀
awwww D:
Woooww~ Hyoyeonnie really likes wildfox~ :3
Hyo so cool and so sexy, love her so much 🙂
her top is also from wildfox couture!
Omg, those pants are amazing *_*
They look so comfortable!
I want a pair like that 😮
Wow Hyoyeon is like all over this brand XD.
She looks good tho!
Man…a pair of sweats cost that much?!
Look! Its Hyoyeon’s Gryffindor shirt. xD Those pants are so cute<3