Sooyoung wore the Tory Burch Mari Embroidered Top during the Tory Burch 1st Anniversary Party. She was styled from head to toe in Tory Burch wearing a camisole underneath the top, black pants, belt, sandals and a Tory Turn lock Small Tote. She finished the look off with a casual ponytail.
Fellow SM label mate Krystal of f(x) was spotted in the same top in High Cut Magazine. She was also styled from head to toe in Tory Burch sporting their pants and sandals and posed with a Contax camera. She opts for elegant curls instead of Sooyoung’s causal locks.
Which one of these ladies did Tory Burch justice?
Sooyoung makes me want to wear it which I think means she wears it better. It looks good on her but also gives the idea that others can wear it. Oddly enough, that’s what Krystal should be doing in a magazine but I feel like since it seems to barely fit her, why would I want it?
^ Agreed. And I also prefer the way Sooyoung has worn it where it isn’t so much at the waist length and the top is untied giving it a more modern look.
I vote for both but I like Sooyoung more. 🙂
sooyoung. her’s looks more fashionable and wearable; because of krystal’s skirt, which is really unflattering for her hips (makes them look super wide), it makes the short look more.. “old” or whatever.
Just not getting the vibe from Krystal
But she still looks great 🙂
I love both tops on both girls, both are working it!
of course its sooyoung who wore it better ..
1oo %
sooyoung is so beautiful and tall and slim ..
i love how SooYoung’s hair is tied up in this; it gives more details on the top and makes SY look feminine
and i also love how Krystal’s top is a bit shorter and shows a bit of skin; makes her look very chic ^^
so i voted for both ^^
I voted for both!