Review on TOMS as seen on Sooyoung, Yoona and Tiffany
These shoes are slim and very exact to its size. In the simplicity, it creates a very nice easy slip on that goes with various of bottoms. The Soft leather insole provides a very comfortable wear, but who wouldn’t buy a sturdy light-weight pair of shoe with the line “With every pair of shoes purchased, TOMS gives a new pair of shoes to a child in need. One for One.” ?
I think I have a feeling why our big hearted Sooyoung like TOMS.
4/5 stars
The TOMS footwear can be purchased at Toms.com
I love them, they looked so comofrtable, wish i had ones, and the fact theyre giving pairs to childs in need, maes me want to find them and buy them (:
I love how Sooyoung looks wearing this Toms(:
Thanks for the reiew^^
I actually bought the gold ones after seeing them on Soshi Style last year. They are absolutely gorgeous in person and I always get a lot of compliments when I wear them. I loved them so much that I bought the same pair in silver. I can see why Sooyoung loves them so much.
I currently have 2 TOMS. Its so comfortable and easy to pair with. And i love it that it gives to others too.
my favourite pair of shoes.
super comfortable, and i can very easily match them with my outfits