Reviews on the Blackberry Bold phones as seen on Tiffany, Sooyoung, Hyoyeon and Jessica.
Blackberry 9000
KitaHoshi – Every single bussiness student I know owns a Blackberry, and pratically lives by it. Coming in many ranges and styles, I couldn’t just focus on one. So I’m doing a general review.
As many notice with the blackberry the keypad has all the letters and numbers making it easier to send text. So for al you text lovers here is the number one reason to by a blackberry. Also blackberry has come out with the BBM, which in a sense is like instant messgaging but only with Blackberrys.
The cons, the internet is really slow.
4.5/5 stars
Blackberry 9700
cream – I recently changed from Samsung to Blackberry and I’m really liking the change. It has everything a smartphone needs to be – email, text, internet, maps/gps, word/excel/powerpoint to go.
A great thing I love about the Blackberry as Kitahoshi also mentioned is that it has the Blackberry Messenger, so if your friends have a Blackberry you can message and send them pictures, videos and audio for free.
The downside to the Blackberry is that it does not offer the huge variety of apps as the Apple iPhone does (though the Blackberry is not targeted to game use).
Another major issue I find with the Blackberry 9700 is that it tends to freeze or lag on me at times which can be quite aggravating when you need to take the battery out to reboot. Lagging occurs often with me if I’m browsing a site that is size heavy or if I have “too many” tabs open.
So if you love your social networks – Facebook, Twitter…, get regular emails you need to check or like browsing the internet (for news and mobile friendly sites) then the Blackberry 9700 is for you!
4/5 Stars
The Blackberry Bold 9000 and 9700 can be purchased at Blackberry.com
my bold 9700 use to lag and i had to remove my battery as well. but i figured out it was because my memory card was corrupted. so i changed it and now it works perfectly fine. i would advise u to get it checked! if only i could bbm the girls. 🙂
I have the 9700 and to be honest, it’s way better than the Torch 9800 one. 😉
Yuri, seohyun and yoona also use blackberry bold. But I think yoona and some of them has switched to iphone4. I saw some airport pics of her holding a white iphone4.
I’m planning on having a Blackberry 9780 soon. I think Blackberry phones are nice and based from the review I read here and in other sites I think me and my future phone will get along just fine.
Taeyeon and Yoona both have an iPhone 4 while Tiffany, Yuri, Sooyoung, Hyoyeon, Jessica, and Seohyun are using Blackberry. Sunny is the only member who uses an LG phone.
reli??isnt seohyun use LG phone??i dunno whether its lG or not but her phone is in red and not a blackberry i think
the LG phone that seohyun used in wgm is only for the show since snsd endorse LG cellphones. but if you saw fanpics of them, especially at the airport, you can see her using blackberry. but that was few months back. i don’t know if she has changed to a new phone.
I have the Blackberry 9780 and all I’m going to say is, if you’re a fan of games/apps, then the Blackberry is not for you. Blackberry is more for texting, chatting, and business, which sort of makes it a boring phone, but I still like it for the bbm.
is it hard to type on a blackberry? My brother’s friend owns one and i heard she hates it a lot. the keypad seems to be too tiny as nearly everything can be found there>< I'm personally not a fan of apps and games, i normally use phones internet browsing, checking mail and communicating. I am a music addict though. So in your opinions, do you think Blackberry is better for me as compared to the IPhone which i am currently using?
@ Mabel I think it takes time getting used to? I found it really easy to type on the keypad despite the small keypad. I think if you are using your phone for those functions then the Blackberry is definitely for you 🙂
so, sica use which one?? 9000 or 9700???
@hwajaeui wangja
she uses 9000.
geez, thanks for the info 😀
Thanks for the review! I’ve always been curious about the differences between Iphones and Blackberrys. I have an Ipod Touch so the fact that the Blackberry doesn’t have a large range of apps doesn’t bother me. Though I do think Mabel has a point with the size of the keypad.. it does seem a bit small..
Also I’d like to note that it’s common for some people to own more than one phone so there’s also a possibility that some of the girls have multiple phones which explains why we see them with different models every now and then. 😀
I think Jessi is now using 9700or9780 white cuz I’ve seen photos of her with her whiteberry 9700/80 series. IMO the SME gave them the blackberries for BBM or other business communication, and members like Yoona, Yuri or Taeyeon are using iPhone4 for their personal use. But Jessica and Tiffany might just use BB for both usage
that makes sense too, but i heard some rumor that jessica have both Blackberry and iPhone. just rumor though
I just saw a fan photo of Jessi at the airport on 5/13 and yes it’s confirmed that she has both iPhone4 and white blackberry 9780 , see this one http://i.imgur.com/BymtZ.jpg
so that really kinda confirm my thought that their BBs are from SME~
now i think the only member who hasn’t been spotted with an iphone is Tiffany~ (or maybe Sunny?)
@nabilah can u share please pics of seohyun where u can see her with a blackberry?? I didint know she had one!
yes i saw that one and just heard a new news today that she had an iPad case. is she having iPad too??
If a lag occurs when you’re browsing, try to use opera mini / opera mobile.
I use opera to log in into ssf everyday in my blackberry storm and there isn’t lag anymore.
So use opera , enjoy your browse , and say goodbye to lag lol.^^
can any1 tell me where was the pic of hyoyeon waving while holding her pink blackberry taken .,? plz
and if therez any pics of her using her bb too ,,!
i really need the pics , so plz help : ‘(