Some things you need to note about Soshi Style
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Hey everyone, it has come to our attention that we should point out some things that some readers of the site might have missed.

1. Check the site before you send in a tip

We have received a lot of tips via email that have already been posted on the site. We very much appreciate the time that those who email us take to let us know about items however, we can imagine how disheartening it is when you send in an email and wonder why your tip hasn’t been posted yet.

So to save time and effort, we would recommend that you check the site before emailing a tip just as a precaution. Searching for an item is quite easy – you can simply type in the member + brand in the search engine at the top right or browse brands through the category menu on the left column.

2. Requests for identifications on images

We have amended our disclaimer (located on the left column) a few months ago but unfortunately many readers seem to have missed it. Just to quote what has been overlooked:

“Please note: We no longer answer any questions or requests about I.Ding items that have not been posted on the site, upon receiving many emails of this nature. Evidently, if we have not posted a cited item on the site then its unlikely we will be able to I.D the item in your picture or video. Our apologies”

3. Coolspotters

Coolspotters is a fantastic site that is open to everyone to post in and tag item identification. We have been receiving a onslaught of share emails from a reader of this site and again would like to point out, point #1 in this post.

Additionally, it is good to note that as the site is open for anyone to contribute the posts are unfortunately open to incorrect identifications (we will be emailing Coolspotters about incorrect I.D’s currently on SNSD’s profile).

4. Credentials

We noticed that a reader has been taking a lot of our posts from the site and posting it on Coolspotters, for future reference if readers do post on that site using our posts please as common courtesy credit our site simply by stating “Credit: Soshified Soshi Style” in the ‘About this spot’ field.

Thank You~

Also a little note: YesStyle codes for the new years! SOSHIFIEDNC5 (1st time shoppers $5 OFF), SOSHIFIED3 ($3 for everyone)

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  1. Clampigirl ·

    Have you found out where the sweatshirt that Hyoyeon is wearing in Dangerous Boys ep.10? I’ve been looking but not found… and I have no idea what brand it is. But it looked like a nice sweatshirt that I like. :3 I hope its not so expensive…